Wednesday, March 16, 2011

earthuakes russian and pain

So its been sometime since my last post. But in that time I have done many things. I helped my friends at the regional library and museum on the 22nd of February. They anted me to read a book about a native Sakhalin tribe called the Uilta, and make a small presentation about what I read and help support the museum because they need endorsement for this book. So I read the book and say some words and I soon find out that the director of the museum is present in frnt of me, and she totally loved what I said about her book. After the talk I meet with her and spoke for a bit and she walked out of the conversation with all smiles. After this, I was asked to say some words for the camera in Russian. So I do this thinking its for archives in the library. Well later that night I get a call from the other exchange student here and she asks, “why are you on TV?” I go on to the tv but miss myself. My words to the camera was broadcasted in yuzhno sakhalinsk. I figured that if what I sid was totally horrible, then they wouldn’t air it. So yay me!!! 
So on the 23rd of February was mans day. And the entire day people went around congratulating men for defending the country. And the girls of out class presented the men with gifts, I got Sakhalin items. And in the square, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Tried to recruit me, and handed out free newspapers. So I took a communist newspaper as a souvenir and didn’t join.. its all I wanted. So after this, on the 25소 of February, I did a presentation at the local library where I helped ou with the book. This time the topic was about the American holiday “presidents day” I seen realized that the holiday is short. So I added in some info about famous presidents” after the presentation I was bombarded with questions and got to talk about rotary international. And a man came up to me and said that I gave an absolute great lecture about the presidents and that he had never in his time of learning about the presidents had ever seen such new info about them. The questions went on so long that the library closed and we were forced to leave. On march 2nd, the French girl and I went to karsakov for a surprise party for the Brazilian girl, as it was her bday. We plan to go in school, only its Brazilian tradition not to go to school on your bday. So we panic and go to her house and surprise her. She says that she will never forget that day. The French girl presented her with a photo album of themselves, and I gave her a Russian ushanka… as a souvenir. On the 8소 ㅐ march, was day of women. And we men planned a big surprise for our ladies. Consisting of ballons being pulled in through a window and dancing soldiers with skirts. This year the men beat the ladies . On the 10 of march, I moed into a third family, a Korean family. I still don’t know Korean culture, so im a bit cautious with what I do. On the same day, we went bowling with my rotary club. I thought it would be a good way to get an easy victory… until my club president whipped the floor with me 3 times.. the nextday I come home from school and turn on the tv so news of an earthquake that struck Japan.. at a 7.9 magnitude. With the time difference, it happened 20 minutes ago. I wtch later and thanks to news helicopter cams, I see the start of the tsunamis hit the northeast coast of japan.. literally I watched my favorite nation get trampled for hours.. I immediately call my president and ask what we can do for japan, and I go to contact with the local club of karsakov also. I am even debating visiting the Japanese consulate in the city to seek advice, but I would be important and would like a little more info on options. M friend from magadan Russia (Canadian exchange student) calls me and says “I am so glad rotary failed and didn’t send you to Russia” I see now why I got Russia and not japan. The next day, I hear news of a Japanese Chernobyl.. I watch the news and the Japanese fukushima 1 plant is now emitting radiation (current refrence) and the news says that japan must look to Russia to help as Russia is one of the only naions with experience with nuclear fallouts. And start naming similarities between Chernobyl and fukushima 1. How white smoke spew from both of them after an explosion. Only unike the USSR, the Japanese evacuated the citizens around the area. I also saw my host city on international TV. All of Russia is watching yuzhno sakhalinsk. As the tsunami had hit the kuril islands, which is my oblast (like a Russian state) so now Russia is involved. And if fukushima 1 explodes, and the wind is blowing right, my host city will be infected with nuclear radiation. Some people here think it already happened. And that the snow is nuclear… Russian humor, haha. Dmirty medvedev has dispatched Russian special forces to Sakhalin to ensure our safety. And many people here have been searching for personal Geiger counters. I for one trust japan a bit to tell us if its coming our wouldn’t look good for the Japanese to not tell Russia that radiaton is coming knowingly. Just a thought. So with international atomic disasters aside. I for the first time here I Russia, went to church. My new family are Christians. And I agreed to go to church with them. At church, which was translated from Korean to Russian. I met the youth group, kids who instantly acceted me and invited me to many events. Like snow boarding. That night we went snow boarding. I bought 5 times to go up the hill and down. I only usd one that night. It took 5 times to get up the hill for me. But if you don’t get a good way up they let you try again.

So after several failed attempts I finally got up the hill thanks to a kid I met there named alex. We soon were acquainted and he helped me ride the snowboard. I fell so much that day. I achieved perfect snowboard speed and form about 2 times. The feeling was great/ but I forgot how to stop!!! So I resorted to instincts and fell. Every time. The only time I stopped right was when I didn’t wanna stop. By the time I made it down the hill.. I was so tired that my friends that invited me and the new ones, had to hold me up for the picture. The entire endeavor took an hour to do. And my new friends, said that I am the craziest person they’ve seen

If you look closely, you see theyre holding me up. The entire night got me really interested and sore. One of the kids I met on the slope I soon found out I played basketball against “what school do you go to?” “2nd school” (we lost to them in our first game” “ohh well then lets talk nasketball” “ive played on my schools team.. and you?” “yea I played,.. im the guy who threw the ball into the wrong hoop” “I REMEMBER YOU!!!!” “geee thanks.”
After the day I made some calls and found out that theres a possibility to get lessons. So I looked up on the ent and found some places. Then when I was going home I met my class friends. 2 girls but 1 left. And we talked a bit and she decided to help me out and we went to the mountain and took pictures of my host city from the air. There we meet some Americans. I literally got off the lift, saw black people, didn’t thinkmuch and said.. theyre foreign, walked up to them and introduced myslf. And guess what? They were from NEW YORK!. In town for a jazz concert. I always love meeting Americans. I almost spoke Russian with them because I haven’t spoken English for so long. I greeted them I Russian and accidently said my state in Russian. Even when I said “mind go to English now” of curse in Russian. So we got info on lessons and soon ill have the chance to have snow boarding lessons. It’s a pay by go. So I pay for an hour and I get an instructor with me when I ski.. which remeinded me.. I need to pull out some money. Im nuclear probably here in yuzhno.. but well see within 40 years :p but medvedev has said that if the situation continues then hell evacuate all of sakhalin.. my exchange is in the hand of the wind